Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Why you don't ever need to spank

Next time your in line in the grocery store and someone has , say, more than the allotted number of items just step forward and swat 'em a good one on the butt. Or if they are crowding you as you are being rung out, take you hand and smack them on the back of the wrist while scolding , 'stop that!!'.

Rediculous advice isn't? All over adult culture there is a taboo against hitting, striking, or swatting other adults. Yet in some circles, hitting children is seen as not only OK but good for them.

If you are in that fulture, stop that. Next time tell yourself :
A. It doesn't help, teach, guide , direct, or nurture.
B. Your child loses respect for and trust in you when you do it.
C. It's really bad for you because it makes you a violent person.

If they aren't listening and obeying either find another way to say it, move them away from the area, or try again later.

But never hit! OK? Never hit. If you wouldn't do it to an adult, don't do it to a child! Seriously.