Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Power of 'Yes'

Perhaps it's because I've a new crowd of teenagers with whom I'm hanging out lately or the four year olds making life more glittery and fun lately, but I've been noticing the stark difference between 'yes' and 'no' lately.

Saying 'yes' to your child is the most important word you can give them.

It affirms their ideas. It clarifies the power they feel to make decisions, have good ideas and foster relationships.

Reaching for 'yes' as the default mode in conversations and negotiations with your children will light up their day.

So, simply put, a simple nugget for today, when you are on the fly and movin' fast through your day, take the time to slow down and say 'yes'.  Saying 'yes' means you may have to find the piece of the conversation you can affirm. It means you may have to find the part of their idea or request to which you can say 'yes'.

By becoming 'yes' parents, we teach our children to say 'yes' to themselves, to new adventures, to the good in life.

Too much parenting info in placed in the instructional value of saying 'no'.  The proper way to say 'no' is to figure out that part to which you can say 'yes'.

Try it for a day... a week .  See how the shift into the positive and the affirmative feels.

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