Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Key to Long Days

Self care consists of many things....I'm just going to knit a few rows I was heard to say to the two and half year old holding a car next to me. My arms were 'baby tired'. I had held the wee one for so long that it felt like she was still in my arms long after I had put her down when she finally reached deep sleep.

I got three stitches done before I realized he was really wanting me to play with the airplane. Three wonderful stitches, a chance to look at something grown up.

Here's what I wished I known when my kids were small. The key to longevity in parenting is many small breaks. I mean like as if you were an air traffic controller. You know they take a mini break every fifteen minutes. It increases their vigilance.

What are the small things you can do?

--Well...get up and take a drink of water and stand by the sink and think about a time in the future that you dream of or a time in the past when you had a really good time.

-- Keep a really good book by your side and read just two paragraphs. Truly....

--Turn the radio on.

-- Change you clothes.

-- Step outside for a moment and take a deep breath.

--Peal an orange and eat it.

-- Keep a jigsaw puzzle going and put a piece in.

Your child will not fall off the wall of burn themselves or be lost in wailing. Take your time at that moment when they are lost in their own play. Or, tell them they can do such and such all by themselves by a moment, and keeping them in your sphere, but not engaged directly, take that mini break.

It will not make you more rested at the end of the day. It doesn't supplant Mommy or Daddy care time or date night.  But it does freshen your focus and your attitude for the next half hour so you can go distance.

Pick one from the list and go do it now.  You will feel better.

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